Taking a page from many Italian delicatessens across the country, this version doesn’t stray far from the classic ones you will find in your corner of the country.
Grilled bread with Culinary Seasons House Vinaigrette, Columbus Craft Meats Hot Sopressata, Boar’s Head Uncured Sopressata and Genoa Salami along with Provolone gives the Italian Sub the classic flavors you will find at your corner deli.
Columbus Craft Meats
I worked for a company that was fortunate to get a tour of Columbus Craft Meats production facility in the Bay Area. They do not do public tours but the corporate chef was able to secure a tour through our company contract.
After touring the Columbus plant, I walked away with a new appreciation for not only for the genoa style salami that so many of us are used to seeing in the deli case at our grocery store but for the numerous other styles of cured meats that Columbus crafts.
Calabrese, Cacciatore, Finocchiona, Rosette de Lyon and the list of cured meats they craft goes on. They had rooms that were dedicated to hanging the “bats” of curing salamis.
Quality Processing Produces Quality Products
On the tour the Columbus Craft Meats representative was quick to point out the quality of the meats and fat they use to produce the cured meats.
Not only the cured meats but their other crafted product line, deli meats, beef, turkey, ham and chicken. It was impressive to see the care they take in crafting their products.
Even down to the packaging, their facility was extremely clean and efficient.
The one thing that you can take away from the Classic Italian Sub recipe is quality ingredients create a quality sandwich, from the bread to the meats to the care you take in making the Olive Tapenade and Vinaigrette.

The Classic Italian Sub
Print RecipeRecipe Multiplier
- 1 ea Italian style roll
- 2 tbsp House Vinaigrette
- 2 tbsp Olive Tapenade
- 2 ea Provolone slices
- 8 ea Spicy Sopressata slices (the ones I had were smaller diameter)
- 5 ea Genoa Salami slices
- 5 ea Uncured Sopressata slices
- 2 ea Tomato slices
- ¼ cup Pepperoncinis sliced
- 1 ea Red Onion slice
- ¼ cup Romaine Lettuce shredded
- Grill the inside of Italian Roll.
- Spread the House Vinaigrette on the bottom of the roll.
- Spread the Olive Tapenade on the top of the roll.
- Layer the Italian meats on top of the House Vinaigrette.
- Top with Tomato slices, Pepperoncinis, Onions, Lettuce
- Cover the top with the Provolone cheese and the top oc the Italian roll.