½tspRed Chili Flakes or Black Pepper - Your Choice
½cupWhite Wine
1 ½cupHalf & Half
1 ½cupHeavy Cream
2cupsParmesan Cheese - Fresh Grated is Best!
1tbspCornstarch Slurry - Optional see notes.
Assembling the Sauce
Mince the garlic & dice the onion into ¼".
In a sauce pot, heat the olive oil.Add the onions and sauce until translucent. Try not to brown the onions.
Once the onions are translucent, add the garlic and saute until fragrant.
Add the red chili flakes (or black pepper if desired) Saute for a 15 seconds to release the oil in the pepper.
Turn up the heat to high and add the white wine and reduce by half.
Once the wine is reduced, remove the sauce pot from the heat and let cook for a couple of minutes. This will help to keep the cream and half & half from breaking when you add them to the pot.
Pour in the cream and half & half, mix to combine. Return the pot to the burner.
Over a medium heat, bring the sauce up in temperature. Avoid boiling the sauce. On a rolling simmer, let the sauce reduce for 5 minutes to allow the cream and half & half to incorporate into the sauce.
Taste the sauce at this point. You are looking for a balanced flavor. It should not taste too much like cream. If it does let the sauce simmer for a few more minutes to allow the flavors to come together.
Whisk in the grated parmesan cheese about a ½ cup at a time. Allow the cheese to melt before adding each addition.
Once all the cheese is incorporated into the sauce, taste to see if more cheese needs to be added. The parmesan cheese adds flavor but also acts as a thickener. At this point, you can add additional cheese to adjust flavor OR to thicken further.
Adjust seasoning with additional black pepper or salt if needed. Parmesan cheese will add saltiness to the sauce, you may not need salt.
If desired, you can use cornstarch slurry to thicken the sauce to the desired thickness. This is recommended if using as a sauce for a pasta bake such as lasagna. It will help to keep the sauce together during the baking process.
Use the sauce immediately or cool and reserve in the refrigerator to have for later use.
Reheating the Sauce
Reheat the sauce in a saucepan over medium heat.
Slowly bring the sauce up to temperature to avoid breaking the sauce.Too high of heat too fast will cause the sauce to potentially break.
Add chicken & veggies and serve with your favorite pasta!ENJOY!