Spanish Spiced Flat Iron with Romesco Sauce is a great pairing. The spices seared into the meat over charcoal then paired with the Romesco sauce will awaken the senses.
This will make more than you need for one steak. Keep the leftover spices in a sealed bag or container for future use.
Grilling the Steak
Preheat the grill. (Or cast iron pan or broiler)
Remove the flat iron from the marinade.
Pat dry with paper towels.
Season the steak with a good amount of Spanish Spice Rub on all sides.This will give the flat iron a nice crust.
Let the steak rest at room temperature for 30 minutes to bring up the temperature slowly.
Grill or Sear in cast iron skillet on the first side to develop a nice crust on the meat. Approximately 2 minutes.
Turn the steak over and continue to grill or sear on the second side.Cook the steak to medium rare 130° to medium 140°Let the steak rest after pulling from the grill for 10-15 minutes before slicing.
Serving the Grilled Spanish Spiced Flat Iron
Heat the Romesco Sauce if desired. Romesco can be served at room temperature also.
Slice the flat iron at one end into 1/4" slices.Plate and enjoy with the Romesco Sauce & some pan seared potatoes.